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The BBF Community

You can’t help but get stuck in when you work at a brewery. New members of team BBF – especially those in the office – are brought into the brewery for a brew day, learning the process from mashing in to packaging. If you’re getting truly initiated, you’ll be landed with cleaning out the mash tun. And yes, that involves getting inside the massive vessel and scooping out grain! Mostly, you’ll find all members of the team congregating in the Tap Room to give their thoughts on the latest specials. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.

Everyone at BBF gets to skip work one day a year to do a good deed – we call it a Community Day. It’s time the team can spend working with a local organisation or charity. This past year, Clem (Head of Brand) worked down his allotment, on a patch dedicated to growing veg for the food bank. Kezia (eCommerce Manager) worked with the Quantock AONB rangers, clearing overgrown gorse so the wild ponies and sheep can continue to roam free.

It’s not just down to individuals. As a company, we’re trying to give back to the city that has supported our independent brewery since day dot. The biggest movement you’ll have almost certainly have heard about it BBF’s collaboration with Talk Club. Since Clear Head launched in 2020, we’ve donated sales amounting to over £22k! But did you know our support reaches further into local Bristol communities? Take our friends at St Werburgh’s City Farm. They support the local community, and in turn we help them in the best way we can – by providing beer for fundraising events.

Talk Club

Now, all work and no play… that’s not us. We love a get-together, whether it’s Friday night darts at Studio BBF or doing something a bit different, like playing bowls on the green or visiting a local gin distillery. It’s a big responsibility supplying beer to iconic venues across Bristol and beyond, and as champions of independence since 2004, we like to think we still know how to throw a party. Look out for Tap Takeovers at a pub near you; we’ll be there. Come summer, you might even see us at a festival or two!

To hear what’s happening at the brewhouse itself, sign up to the Studio BBF mailing list or check on the events page. See you in the Tap Room!

Team BBF
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