Feb 02, 2024
Besides optimistic resolutions and a cracking pour of Clear Head 0.5%, January doesn’t usually have much going for it. But we’ve spent the past month feeling extra positive in the brewhouse, and we’re gearing up to tell you why. For starters, 2024 marks our 20th year as a brewery. In beer speak, we’re having a swift pint of reflection, and a full case of looking to the future.

We kind of hate talking about how old we are. Do you feel us? Beer is an ancient craft, so two decades in the biz doesn’t mean we’re an old boy. BBF was at the forefront of the craft brewing boom in Bristol and we continue to lead the pack. Clear Head has been Bristol’s alcohol-free beer since 2020, and our head brewer Tristan is continuously acquiring hops so new they don’t even have a name yet. We’re pushing forward, sure, but our age and wisdom leads us to ask the question that other innovative brewers may not: “is this a beer you can realistically drink four pints of?”

This year, we’re building on our long-standing resolution to make BEER FOR GOOD. Eagle eyes will have seen the launch of Brewed to Give in 2023 – our charity initiative and self-imposed 2% tax, to give back to the community in the shape of stock and support. Last year that total, which reached and uplifted 150 charities and good causes, was £80k. In 2024, it’ll be even bigger. Part of that cash went to directly to Talk Club, saving lives a mouthful at a time. You’re probably familiar with our ongoing partnership with Talk Club – to date, we’ve donated over £53k through beer sales. That’s what we mean when we say DRINK WITH PURPOSE.
But community doesn’t just equal charity. It’s also the sanctity of the pub; a meeting place, a refuge, a place of celebrations and commiserations. And for the last two decades, we’ve never compromised on the credibility of where our beer is poured. That’s our purpose, too; championing the local decent boozer. We know our pubs; we deliver 82% of our production directly to local venues. When you find our beer on draft, it is a mark of respect to the pub in question. You’ll probably see us down there.

We know that you, our fellow Bristolians, are proud of this city, its pubs, and its fierce independence. We like to think that after 20 years of brewing in BS3, BBF is part of that history. What started as a small project at the run-down end of North Street to generate jobs for the local people – conditioning tanks sharing space with a second-hand car showroom – grew to become a thriving business in the heart of a regenerated part of the city. The car showroom moved out to give us more brewing space, and then we really stepped it up a gear. The rest, as they say, is history. And in 2024, we’ll be renewing our brewery facilities to allow us to brew more pints for the people, improve our carbon footprint, and increase local jobs.
But you don’t have to be a Bristolian to enjoy WORLD CLASS INDEPENDENT BEER. That’s why we launched our online shop in 2020. Bristol has been championing sustainability and inclusivity for years, and the rest of the UK wanted in. We send gluten-free, vegan, and alcohol-free beer – yep, there’s something for everyone – to all corners of the UK. When you order a case of the good stuff from us, we’ve ensured you’re choosing zero plastic, the most carbon friendly delivery, and recyclable packaging. So, this weekend, gather your pals, and raise a can to the rest of 2024!