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Milk Stout Chocolates

We’re putting together the ultimate Valentines gift – or timely birthday present for any February pals – thanks to our friends at Craft Beer Chocolates!

First of all, let’s wind it back. History class. We brewed our Milk Stout in 2006, and so began the re-popularisation of sweet, dark and creamy beers. Milk Stout is so ingrained in BBF culture that the historical recipe was found written on the walls of our North Street building; a relic from the old brewery which forms our foundation. That is why we call it the O.G.

Milk Stout

“I love the history of this beer and the fact that Bristol Beer Factory revived it in 2006 makes it extra special” - Ed, Craft Beer Chocolates

This national champion award winning stout is a beautifully creamy, full-bodied affair. Sweet but not sickly notes of chocolate balance black coffee bitterness and hints of dark fruits. We don’t apologise for the abundance of lactose that makes the beer what it is: rich, luxurious, and dare we say it? Sexy. This is a sensual beer. What it isn’t is a “fashionable” flavoured pastry stout. This beer is pure class.

Fast forward to 2021, and the Eds (more on them in a minute) approached us with a way to add another sensual dimension to our beloved Milk Stout. They were talking chocolate. We quite literally almost bit their hands off to get a taste of the truffles, made in heaven. Well, Guilberts!

Milk Stout Chocolate

Based in the heart of the city, on St Nicolas street, the boys behind Craft Beer Chocolates love food and beer and are proud to be part of what Bristol has to offer. After nearly a decade in and around hospitality and the food community, they decided to put their dream into action last year. What started as an idea in 2017 became reality in 2021; like many others, Covid gave them the opportunity to think about what it was that gets them excited.

With Guilberts just around the corner, and a city bursting with top-end breweries making only the best beer, Craft Beer Chocolates have everything they need right on their doorsteps to be a great success.

Get yourself some here!

Milk Stout Chocolate gift set

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