Jun 09, 2020
Welcome to part 2 of the Lockdown Diaries as we reflect, plan and dream about our first day out in Bristol and chat lockdown beers of choice.
What’s your lockdown beer of choice and have you discovered any new beers?
Tristan: My beer of choice has been Well above Sea Level in bottle, a lactose citrus smash. Hydration, our BBF/Brewgooder collab drinks like a light refreshing British lager, especially out of a tin whilst sat in the garden with the sun on your face. We need more British hop pales in the 2020 craft ale scene..
Izzy: I’ve been drinking a lot of BBF, mainly our new bottles of Badlands and Well Above Sea Level which were meant to be kegs but we swapped to bottles to avoid any more waste. They are such good summer beers which you can also get in Southville Deli, Grape and Grind, Aimee’s Wine House and Better Foods. I’ve also been drinking some great brews which only BBF staff have had the privilege of drinking as they unfortunately never made it to the public. Hopefully they’ll be specials when we return and everyone can enjoy them. One thing I am really missing though is draught. Oh to have a pint through a hand pull!
Tom: A combination of new discoveries and old classics - Belgian fruit beers have been amazing in the sun: Bacchus Framboise, Timmermans Peche, Lindemans Cassis). Mini tins of BBF Open Up and Hydration – two of the most flavoursome and sessionable pales we’ve ever brewed that must be repeated! I miss cask beer the most so it’s been good to be able to get hold of a couple of mini tins. Also Weihenstephaner Hefe Weiss: banana-ey wheat perfection.
Clem: Blessed to still have access to BBF beer! We managed to get some specials into bottle - Well Above Sea Level is mind-blowing and available through the Tap Room and online to the wider beer family. Our road is a trade street, with Wiper and True Joe and Kate from the Duke of York in St Werbs so some solid swaps have been occurring keeping the variety we all love alive. That first pint of cask from a hand pull though…. STOP IT. Clear theme going on with Team BBF... Well Above Sea Level in bottle is a go!
Where are you excited to drink again when we are allowed and where for the first pint?
Tom: Cosy, cask-focused independent pubs, same as it ever was! Arnolfini with legs dangling over the side of the harbour, pint of cask in hand… yeah.
Clem: Grain Barge and Christmas Steps, all day. We were lucky to get in a big boozing session at the Lansdown then Galli just prior to the lockdown so it will be a city centre proper pub day… Here is what I’m picturing: quick pint at the Tap Room, sun will be shining so cycle over to the Barge for a bit of deck time then cycle on to the Christmas Steps and not leave till the early hours.
Izzy: One thing I am really craving is finishing work on a Friday and heading straight to the Arnolfini. Imagine sitting in the sun on the harbour and having a pint of Badlands. And maybe a few Campari Spritzzzz too!? First round’s on me lads.
Tristan: Stoked for a pint of Guinness, the sole beer that took me away from the mass produced lagers as a youngen and into the vast world of delightful ales. Dreaming of taking a stroll down to the harbourside with my fellow BBF brewers and popping into the Nova Scotia, in our eyes the best pint of Guinness served in Bristol.